Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions

  1. Definitions

1.1 In these General Terms and Conditions, the following terms (both singular and plural) have the following meanings:
•    'General Terms and Conditions', the General Terms and Conditions of Red Light Secrets;
•    'Event', the public or private event at which – by way of example, but not exclusively – an activity of a tourist nature takes place, including – but not limited to – an excursion, a museum visit, a concert or a sports event;
•    'Location', the place at which the event is held;
•    'Organiser', the party responsible for the production and/or organisation of the event;
•    'Agreement', the agreement between Red Light Secrets and the consumer for the sale and delivery of tickets;
•    'Ticket', proof of access to an event;

2. Applicability

2.1 The General Terms and Conditions below and the booking and ordering conditions of Red Light Secrets apply to all offers, orders and agreements of Red Light Secrets.
2.2 In addition, the General Terms and Conditions of the organiser and the General Terms and Conditions of the party responsible for the locations will also apply to the agreement. In the event of any conflict between the provisions in the agreement or in these General Terms and Conditions and the aforementioned terms and conditions, the provisions in the agreement or in these General Terms and Conditions will prevail. Copies of the General Terms and Conditions of the parties responsible for the Locations or of the organiser are available on request from the parties responsible for the locations in question or from the organiser.
2.3 By accepting an offer or making an order, the consumer expressly accepts the applicability of these General Terms and Conditions.
2.4 Deviations from that stipulated in these Terms and Conditions are only possible in writing, in which case the other provisions will remain undiminished in force.
2.5. All rights and entitlements stipulated for Red Light Secrets in these General Terms and Conditions and any further agreements will also apply for intermediaries and other third parties deployed by Red Light Secrets.

3. Prices/offers

3.1 All offers made by Red Light Secrets are without obligation and Red Light Secrets expressly reserves the right to change the prices, in particular if this is necessary as a result of statutory or other regulations.
3.2 All prices are indicated in euros, including VAT.
3.3 In certain cases, promotional prices apply. These prices are valid during a specific period as long as stocks last. No entitlement to these prices may be invoked before or after the specific period.
3.4 Red Light Secrets cannot be held to any price indications that are clearly incorrect, for example as a result of obvious typesetting or printing errors. No rights may be derived from incorrect price information.
3.5 For each ticket, a fixed amount will be charged for service costs, which may vary according to the event. The service costs include transaction costs, consultation costs and shipping costs.

  1. Cancellations and returns

4.1 An organizer is entitled to cancel or change the date of an event. Should this happen, Tours and Tickets will attempt to provide a suitable solution. If an event is cancelled or postponed, Tours and Tickets will do its utmost to inform you as soon as possible. However, Tours and Tickets cannot guarantee it is possible to inform you timely of any change or cancellation of an event or be held responsible for refunds, compensations or for any resulting costs you may incur, for example for travel, accommodation and/or any other related goods or service.

4.2 Before confirming your booking, always check carefully that you have booked the correct (number of) tickets. Some of the tickets we offer for a product with a specific date and time (‘timed entry tickets’) are not refundable. See the remark below, point 4.2.1.
Wrongfully ordered (numbers of) open tickets (no specific date and time are selected) are refundable within fourteen days of purchase when bought online. In order to ask for a refund for an open ticket, you have to send an email to hello@redlightsecrets.com. 

4.2.1. When purchased on our website, tickets to Red Light Secrets can be cancelled up to 8 hours before the start of the activity. When a ticket has been rescheduled it becomes non-refundable. In order to request a refund for any of the mentioned tickets, please send us an email to hello@redlightsecrets.com.

4.3 Tours and Tickets shall not be liable for damage, misuse, or loss of tickets. No duplicate tickets will be issued to replace tickets that have been misused, mistreated, lost, or stolen, and nor will such tickets be refunded.

4.4 Tours and Tickets shall not be liable for delays, non-delivery or incorrect delivery of tickets, if such delay, non-delivery or incorrect delivery cannot be attributed to Tours and Tickets.

4.5 Not using one or more pre-purchased tickets is for your own account and risk; this is also the case if the admission ticket is only valid for a certain time and/or date.

4.6 Our open tickets are valid for 1 year (12 months), starting from the date of purchase.

4.7 The traveller will be charged a fee when rebooking an excursion, attraction, canal cruise, or museum.


  1. Payments

Red Light Secrets accepts a number of different payment methods. Payments in euros are processed via iDEAL or by credit card. You will not receive confirmation of your definitive booking until your payment has been approved.


  1. Delivery

6.1 Depending on the method of sending, tickets will be delivered to the address included in Red Light Secrets' address database.
6.2 The delivery times specified by Red Light Secrets are for indication purposes only. Failure to meet any delivery deadline will not entitle you to damage compensation, nor will it entitle you to cancel the order or dissolve the agreement, unless such failure to meet the delivery deadline is so severe that it cannot reasonably be demanded of you to abide by the agreement. In that case, you will be entitled to cancel the order or dissolve the agreement insofar as this is necessary.

7. Retention of title

7.1 The ownership of the tickets delivered will only transfer to you if you have met all your obligations to Red Light Secrets pursuant to any agreement whatsoever. The risk relating to the tickets will be transferred to you at the time of delivery.


  1. Complaints and liability

8.1 You are obliged to check on delivery to ensure that the tickets are in line with the agreement. If this is not the case, you must inform Red Light Secrets in writing and with reasons as soon as possible and at all events within three (3) days of delivery, providing that it was reasonably possible to ascertain this fact.
8.2 If it has been demonstrated that the tickets are not in line with the agreement, Red Light Secrets may choose to replace the tickets in question with new tickets in exchange for their return or to refund the amount paid.


  1. Electronic communication and evidence

9.1 Red Light Secrets is not liable for any misunderstandings, distortions, delays or incorrect transmission of data and messages as a result of the use of the internet or any other communication resource in the traffic between the customer and Red Light Secrets (or the parties deployed by the customer).
9.2 The records of Red Light Secrets will serve as full evidence of the existence, the content and the implementation of the agreement with the customer in any legal procedure, subject to counter-evidence provided by the party that invokes the fact that the evidence is unreliable.


  1. Force majeure

10.1 Without prejudice to the other rights to which it may be entitled, in the event of force majeure, Red Light Secrets is entitled, at its own choice, to suspend implementation of your order or to dissolve the agreement without legal intervention, by informing you of this in writing and without Red Light Secrets being held liable to any damage compensation unless in the prevailing circumstances this would be unacceptable in accordance with all reasonableness and fairness.
10.2 Force majeure is deemed to mean any shortcoming which cannot be attributed to Red Light Secrets because it cannot be blamed on it nor deemed to be its responsibility in accordance with the law, legal action or generally accepted views.


  1. Special provisions, liability

11.1. The purchaser of a ticket supplied by Red Light Secrets must behave as a good and orderly visitor of events and must abide by the instructions issued to him or her by or on behalf of the organiser of the event to be visited as well as by the competent authorities.
11.2 Red Light Secrets will not be liable for any refusal by the organiser of an event or by the public authorities to admit the purchaser of a ticket supplied by Red Light Secrets to an event as a result of actions and/or negligence on the part of the purchaser.  
11.3 The purchaser of a ticket attends an event at his or her own risk. Red Light Secrets will not be liable for any damage incurred by the purchaser during the journey to from the event or while attending the event.
11.4 The purchaser of a ticket supplied by Red Light Secrets must inform him or herself of the instructions issued by or on behalf of the organiser of the event or the competent authorities relating to it, including any changes concerning the event, such as starting time, etc. Red Light Secrets has no obligation to provide the purchaser of a ticket with further information in this regard.


  1. GoPhoto Data

12.1 If you choose to have your photo taken at the attraction or theme park, or if your photo is taken as part of an attraction, you understand that you have granted permission to be photographed by positioning yourself in front of the camera or taking part in the attraction. Photos can be purchased afterwards. The retention period of your data is specified in the privacy policy of GoPhoto.


  1. Other provisions

13.1 If one or more of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions or any other agreement with Red Light Secrets are in conflict with any applicable legal regulation, the provision in question will lapse and be replaced by a new comparable stipulation admissible by law to be determined by Red Light Secrets.

13.2 The law of the Netherlands applies to all agreements entered into with or concluded by Red Light Secrets. Any disputes arising directly or indirectly from these agreements will be exclusively settled by the Court of Amsterdam.

14. Red Light Secrets and Tourism Group Holding B.V. Lijnden

Red Light Secrets is part of Tourism Group Holding B.V. Lijnden.

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Tours & Tickets

Red Light Secrets